In the neo-Marxist literature on under-development
one of the most important theories was about the disarticulation of the
countries in the South (the erstwhile “Third World”). What was meant by the term was that the
Center, the developed North, established within a peripheral country only enclaves
of modernity whose function was to keep the South producing for the needs of
the North without being able to create an internally connected production
structure, going from raw material extraction to their processing, and ultimately production
of high value added commodities. What
mattered to the North was the extraction of raw materials. This was entrusted to be
organized to a local comprador bourgeoisie, whose economic interests thus
coincided with those of the former colonial powers. The economy was, to use
Samir Amin’s terminology, “extroverted”, that is directed only towards abroad
and lacking in domestic ability to develop. Both the polity and the economy were disarticulated.
As a summarized history of the failed
developments in the South up to approximately 1980s, the theory did make lots
of sense. No country developed without an internally-integrated economy. Raw
material producers never created a successful economy. But as a prescription to
sever the links with the North and develop independently, the strategy, even
when tried half-heartedly, was a failure.
Sociologically and politically, the importance
of the disarticulation story is that economic divergence of interests between
the comprador bourgeoisie and the rest of society leads to a class split within the
countries of the South. The comprador bourgeoisie was supported by the North
and was maintained in power, against the interest of the majority, by West’s
constant political or in some cases military support.
Let us now with this approach in
mind, turn our gaze toward today’s North. In a recent piece published in the New York Times, Paul Theroux, after traveling
through the American South, was shocked by the depth of poverty there, wrought
in his opinion by the destruction of jobs that have all gone to Asia and by import
of cheap commodities from China. He was even more distraught by the apparent lack
of interest of American political and
economic elites who seem to even fail to notice the plight of the Americans in
states like Mississippi and most ironically in Arkansas where philanthropists
such as the Clinton Foundation have not been much seen even as they proudly
boast of efforts “to save the elephants
in Africa”.
The key issue raised by Theroux was
whether trade, that is, globalization was responsible for this plight. The
second issue that was raised was why there is so little empathy with the
domestic poor or interest in doing something about their destitution.
In an answer to Theroux, Annie Lowrey points out that however awful the
poverty in Mississippi is, it is not as bad as poverty in parts of Africa
(Zimbabwe is used as a comparator both by Theroux and Lowrey). Globalization
that has lifted out of poverty several hundred million Chinese at the cost of
making ghost towns in Mississippi is not a zero-sum game. Moreover, from a cosmopolitan point of view,
the rich Americans’ concern with African poverty rather than with poverty in Mississippi
or Arkansas makes sense because people in Africa are much poorer.
Technically, Lowrey is right on all
points. One can safely claim, to the extent that these things that be causally
proven, that the rapid worldwide progress in poverty alleviation is due to globalization.
It is also true that on any income or consumption metric, poverty in parts of
Africa is much worse than in Mississippi. But of course none of that may be
politically or socially relevant because national populations seldom care about
cosmopolitan welfare functions (where happiness of every individual in the
world is equally valued). They work with
national welfare functions where a given level of destitution locally is given
a much greater weight than the same destitution abroad. There are studies that show the revealed difference in
implicit national vs. cosmopolitan weighting of poverty (the ratio for the US is estimated
at 2000 to 1); there are arguments for this, going back to Aristotle who in Nicomachean
ethics thought that our level of empathy diminishes as in concentric
circles as we move further from a very narrow community. And there are also
political philosophy arguments (by
Rawls) why co-citizens do care more for each other than for the others.
But I think that it is insufficient
to leave this argument at a very abstract level where one group of Americans would
have a more cosmopolitan welfare function and better perception of global
benefits of trade and another would be more nativist and ignorant of economics.
I do not think that the real difference between the two groups has to do with
welfare concerns and economic literacy but
with their interests. Many rich Americans who like to point out to the benefits
of globalization worldwide significantly benefited and continue to benefit from
the type of globalization that has been unfolding during the past three
decades. The numbers, showing their real income gains, are so well known that
they need no repeating. They are large beneficiaries
from this type of globalization because of their ability to play off less well-paid
and more docile labor from poorer countries against the often too expensive domestic
labor. They also benefit through the inflows of unskilled foreign labor that keep the
costs of the services they consume low. Thus rich Americans are made better off
by the key forces of globalization: migration, outsourcing, cheap imports, which
have also been responsible for the major reduction of worldwide poverty. Perhaps in a somewhat crude materialist fashion
I think that their sudden interest in reducing worldwide poverty is just an
ethical sugar-coating over their economic interests which are perfectly well
served by globalization. Like every dominant class, or every beneficiary of an
economic or political order, they feel the need to situate their success
within some larger whole and to explain that it is a by-product of a much grander
betterment of human condition.
A new alliance, based on the coincidence
of interests, is thus formed between some of the richest people in the world and
poor people of Africa, Asia and Latin
America. Those who are left out in the cold are the domestic lower-middle and
middle classes squeezed between the competition from foreign labor and
indifference of national ruling classes. As in the neo-Marxist theories applied
to the South, the divergence of economic interests within a country produces political
disarticulation. The rich favor the continuation of globalization as it is, the
lower middle classes are looking at the ways to change or reverse both globalization
and migration that comes with it. Two political camps are thus formed, not only
in the US but in practically all rich countries: the camp of ideologically cosmopolitan
rich whose incomes keep on increasing and the camp of nativist lower-middle
classes who feel that nobody is defending their interests.
The disarticulation in the North
produces political polarization with clear dangers of transforming democracy
into either a plutocracy that would continue with current policies, or alternatively
a populist regime that would give way to the frustration of the middle classes by
reimposing tariff rates, exchange controls and tighter migration rules.
The idea that globalization is a
force that is good and beneficial for all is an illusion. Tectonic economic changes
such as those brought by globalization always have winners and losers. (The
first sentence of my forthcoming book “Global inequality”, Harvard University
Press, April 2016, says exactly that.) Even if globalization is, as I believe, a
positive phenomenon overall, both economically for the reasons Lowrey mentions and
ethically because it allows for the creation of something akin to community of
all humankind, it is, and will remain, a deeply contradictory and disruptive force
that would leave, at times significant groups of people, worse off. Refusing to
see that is possible only if one is blinded by ideology of universal harmonies or
by own economic interests.
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